Alliance Life Principles

Alliance life principles. There are only 2:



Rule 1

Respond with '+' to guild messages from R4/R5 - this confirms reading and is necessary to check activity.

Rule 2

Capture NOT by banner! Capture the target only by timer, leaders' orders, or special mark. Attack can start earlier only if you are far away and troops will arrive at the target after the timer ends. The banner for capture is placed earlier.

Rule 3

It is FORBIDDEN to hold tiles near free structures. Do not occupy tiles near free cities, gates, bridges, in the area of shield walls, they interfere with teleport construction. If there is a mark about the need to drop tiles, it must be done promptly. If the situation is critical and your tile interferes with the guild's tasks, you will have to be excluded for 24 hours.

Rule 4

During the tile war - read the marks and guild chat.
• Each player must have 10 free tiles.
• Do not clean the tail of the enemy road until we stop its advance.
• Carefully read the marks on the map and follow the instructions.

Rule 5

Tiles cannot be held in the wall zone. Holding tiles in the wall zone (whether there is a mark or not) is a very serious violation. You may have to rest for 24 hours. Watch this so you don't get upset later.
• Immediately drop tiles in the wall zone after cleaning.

Rule 6

It is forbidden to take tiles while the road is being led by runners. Wait until the road goes 5 tiles. This also applies to ports (except for runners).

Rule 7

TAKE all tiles, not just resource tiles when cleaning an area.

Rule 8

Do not hit monsters when the guild is hitting structures.


Rule 1

Talk with everyone with respect. No rude behavior towards any person.